How to Use VergeCloud’s Smart Checker for Website Troubleshooting and Optimization

Using the Smart Checker on VergeCloud: Troubleshoot and Optimize Your Website

Smart Checker

Using VergeCloud's CDN Smart Checker feature, you can assess multiple parameters linked to your service and traffic flow. This feature also notifies you about any potential issues within the domain or its configuration settings. It examines different aspects of the website’s connection, creating a secure and optimal link for the service.


  • CDN (Content Delivery Network): A system of distributed servers that deliver content to users based on their geographic location, the origin of the webpage, and the content delivery server.
  • NS (Name Server): A type of DNS record that indicates which server is authoritative for a domain, directing DNS queries to the correct location.
  • DNS (Domain Name System): The hierarchical system that translates human-friendly domain names into IP addresses.

Domain Activation Status

To activate VergeCloud services, you first need to replace your domain's Name Servers (NSs) with VergeCloud's NSs at your registrar. If you’re using CNAME-based traffic forwarding, you must add or update the DNS record linked with VergeCloud in your current DNS service.

You can utilize the nslookup tool to check the NS status of your domain. For instance, the NSs of the example domain are displayed in the nslookup output below:


This tool not only shows the NS status but also displays the DNS record status for the domain. You can also check the NS status using the dig command.

Root DNS Record

The root (@) DNS record refers to the primary domain. This record should be an A, ANAME, or AAAA type record.

To route incoming traffic through VergeCloud's edge servers for enhanced security and acceleration before it reaches your origin server, you should activate the cloud icon for this record.

An example of a root A record (@) with an active cloud icon can be seen below:


When the cloud icon is enabled, your server IPs remain hidden, and VergeCloud IPs are displayed.

With the cloud icon disabled, the DNS returns the original domain IPs, which could pose potential security risks:


As seen in the example image, the IP displayed is the same one entered in the VergeCloud panel as the primary IP of our server.

DNS Record for www

This record points to your www subdomain and can be of type A, ANAME, CNAME, or AAAA.

The Smart Checker steps for this record are similar to those for the root (@) record. Additionally, you can specify the desired configuration for this record in your domain’s dashboard:


Redirection for the domain occurs only when the cloud icon is enabled, allowing VergeCloud to function as a proxy server.

MX Record

If you are using a mail server on your primary domain, setting up an MX record is essential. Ensure the record name corresponds to the appropriate subdomain.

SSL Certificate Activation Status

To secure the connection between users and VergeCloud edge servers, enabling the SSL certificate in VergeCloud’s settings is required. You can configure your domain’s HTTPS policies in the HTTPS settings section.

VergeCloud automatically requests and activates a free SSL certificate for your domain using DNS Authentication.

Cloud Icon Status

Enabling the cloud icon for your domain's DNS records allows VergeCloud to act as a reverse proxy, providing added security, performance optimization, and content delivery efficiency for your website.

Testing and Validation

To confirm your configurations are working correctly, you can use various command-line tools and browser checks:

  • nslookup: Run nslookup followed by your domain name to verify NS records.
  • dig: Execute dig for detailed DNS record status, particularly for verifying the root and www DNS records.
  • curl: Use curl with the HTTPS URL to check SSL functionality and ensure the CDN is delivering the content as expected.

API Example

Below is a sample curl command to add a DNS record through the VergeCloud API:

curl -X POST "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer your-api-key" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
      "type": "A",
      "name": "@",
      "content": "your-server-ip",
      "proxied": true